Many of us read Psalm 136 this way. Every verse contains the refrain “for His steadfast love endures forever.” Though you may exult in this truth in verse 1, you weary of it by verse 13. Your eyes skip along to the “interesting parts,” neglecting the other half. But there’s gold in the repetition. Behold …
Almost everyone has a “special” place where they love to relax, engage in a favorite activity, or be at peace. In fact, some people, have several. A scenic view from a back deck. A cozy basement. But do you have a special place to meet with God and pray? A place where you can “shut …
As peace is a truth widely loved, wrath is a truth widely loathed. Many in the history of the church has been embarrassed by God’s wrath and have wanted to revise this biblical truth. Yet, this theme of the wrath (or anger) of God toward sin and sinners is clearly and widely taught in the …
The longest psalm, Psalm 119, is a masterpiece, and the subject of its artistry is God’s holy Word, the Bible. The Word of the Lord is like a tall tower—no part stands alone. All the prophets, all the books of wisdom, every book of the New Testament, and all the words of Jesus stand firmly …
Four Things That Happen When You Don’t Read Your Bible Read More »
Happiness is fickle, and requires happy circumstances. Joy, on the other hand, sticks around. It doesn’t get chased off by trouble. The author of Lamentations describes how happiness disappears when turmoil enters the scene: My soul is bereft of peace; I have forgotten what happiness is. (Lamentations 3:17) But the Holy Spirit supernaturally gives us …
Is it possible to fully understand the immensity of God’s love? The Bible tells us repeatedly that God loves us and has given us plenty of evidence to back up His words. He created us. He created a marvelous world in which we are called to create. He provides for us. And He forgives us, …
As believers, we know we are to honor and fear the Lord, but our culture doesn’t lend itself to a reverential disposition. Instead, our culture does us the further disservice of not having much appreciation for the truth. To acquire both—reverence and truth—we have to search the Scriptures and combat the messages we inevitably hear. …
Disappointment exercises our faith. Like a good resistance band, it pushes back at us, putting on the pressure and testing our endurance. We can either succumb to its force or return the push. We can give way to what disappointment naturally produces—discontentment and doubt—or we can let it grow us. We can let it stretch …
10 Ways Disappointment Can Strengthen Your Faith Read More »
Will we know each other in heaven? Let’s cut to the chase with a one-word answer: Yes! The two-word answer would be, “For sure!” And the five-word answer would be, “You can count on it!” But being a wise and discerning reader, you will want more than the word of a pastor on this. You …
I soon learned how the church saw every churchgoer as a minister of the gospel, holding the same vision as staff members. I thought that inclusion was a neat way to express a biblical concept that every church member is a minister of truth. The same goes for every Christian. What makes a person a qualified …