A Short Prayer for My Dullest Days

To grow in Faith and share our Faith

in God with the World around us

On the days when my heart feels dull, dry, and drowsy, I turn to one simple prayer from David in Psalm 51:12 —

Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.

This verse is easy to memorize and helpful to focus my prayer when my soul is dozy. The natural outline is my plea for the three things I need every day.

Refresh my joy — God, I need You to remind me again of the lengths in which You have gone to save my sinful soul. Remind me again of the holy wrath I deserve, so that I can rejoice again in the precious mercy that has saved me. Cause this joy to overpower the dullness I feel right now.

Restore my allegiance — God, my heart is dull because my loyalties are wrong. I long for ease and comfort and for human praise, which empty my soul. As I acknowledge my sin, re-align my allegiances to Your name and re-commit my devotion to your glory. Give me a “right spirit” (Psalm 51:10).

Grant me willing obedience — God, help me obey You today, not compelled by obligation, but willed by Your Spirit within me. I desperately want to obey You and to experience the joy of obedience. I need a free and willing spirit — I need Your free and willing Spirit. Uphold me in this, I pray.

In my own words: God, refresh my joy, restore my fidelity, and grant me the freeness to obey You today.

This is a very short prayer I return to on my dullest days.

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